jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008

I keep an eye on you, Mr. Einstein!

For most of the people, Einstein has to do with the crazy genius with messy, white hair and protruding tongue. Some others think in the Theory of Relativity, physics and even the nuke bomb. But for those who ever lived in Leiden there's something more -dunno why, but Leiden leaves a mark on everything related to it that makes it all utterly special. For us, innocent erasmus newcomers, the first hint of relationship between Leiden and Einstein was to know -via Google, the welcoming speeches or that wonderful Holy Bible for the newcomer called 'Finding your way around Leiden'- that Mr. Albert taught for some years in the accredited Dutch university founded by the Rapenburg canal. Then, during your first days in your new life the word Einstein earns a whole, new meaning by becoming the hottest spot in town when you learn that it's also the name of a bar, specifically the bar where every new erasmus student hangs out for the wednesday nights ESN borrel. Un-miss-able! As time goes by and a monotonous, steady, everyday life is built around those once excited newcomers, this bar losses a part of its importance as other bars are discovered and gain their own place in the weekly schedule... but always remains as a cornerstone to show visitors any other day.

Sooner or later the winter finishes and the spring brings sweet, sunny days to cycle to Warmond or Katwijk... And then, the arrival of summer evenings marks the last moments during which the few survivors remaining from the latest erasmus generation miss the noise and faces of those already gone, while counting down the final, few days remaining for themselves. Time to fly back home, the end of the dream. The end for the Einstein and those countless wednesday drinks as well.

More than two years were gone when I discovered it. By chance, as this things are usually found. The Einstein bar has a webpage, and wishing to find a photo gallery in which those old gone, once well known faces could be fished among the crowd as a nostalgic pastime a wonderful feature apperared. Because I might not be able to see your face in old photographs, but I will see you if you sit at the terrace this afternoon, to listen to the bells at the Town Hall. As we used to do =)

The Einstein Cafe, by the Nieuwe Rijn canal in Leiden, has an amazing live webcam that can be remotely controlled to point it towards different directions. Dont forget to switch the audio feature on so you can hear the Stadhuis carillon nearby every hour!

PS. This post, my first one in English, is dedicated to my Dutch mom, who did the same countless times before so I could read her beautiful blog. Dit is waar we elkaar voor het eerst ontmoet hebben!!

1 comentarios:

cheruchan dijo...

How nice! Je bent lief!